You can expect your child to have between 45 to 60 minutes of homework every Monday through Thursday evening.
* Students will be expected to read for at least 30 minutes each day (5 times each week) and record their reading time on a Reading Note. You will find the reading note in your child's binder in the Reading section. This is an on-going homework assignment and will comprise one-third of the Reading grade each trimester. Please monitor the time your child reads so you can sign the Reading Note each Sunday night. Please make sure your child has a completed and signed Reading Note in their binder before they come to school every Monday morning. The signed Reading Notes enable the teacher to monitor this very important part of your child's homework.
* Students will have a Spelling assignment for homework every Thursday night so they will be prepared for Friday's Spelling test.
* Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights, the subject matter of homework will vary. It will often be a project that needs to be worked on for several nights.
* All unfinished classroom assignments will also need to be completed as homework. Work not received by the due date will be recorded in the grade book as per Meadowdale Elementary's homework policy. You will find the due date for each assignment on your child's weekly Assignment Sheet in the front of his/her binder. Most work given will be due the following day. The due dates for large projects or on-going assignments will be communicated to you on a project-by-project basis.
At the beginning of the school year, your child will receive a spiral-bound assignment book. Your child will be required to record all assignments on a daily basis into this assignment book. The assignment book includes a spot for the due date of each assignment as well as a column where students can record when an assignment has been turned in. Please check the assignment book each evening and ask your child about each assignment given that day. Checking the assignment book will help you keep track of what your child is doing and make your child accountable for their assignments. Your signature on the assignment book -- which must be turned in by our child each Monday morning -- will let the teacher know that you have seen it.
classroom assignments are posted on our classroom website on a daily basis.
Click the link below to go directly to Room 201's daily assignment calendar.
Daily Assignment Calendar
At least 3 high-quality book projects are due each trimester. A good rule of thumb is that one book summary is due each month. There is enough time given within the regular school day for students to complete these book projects at school. Below you will find links to both the book project directions and due dates.